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Talmid Self-Evaluation
Full Name
Shiur applying to
Hebrew Name First and Middle
Full Hebrew Birthday
English Birthday
Father’s Full Hebrew Name
Mother’s Full Hebrew Name
How many years have you studied Gemara?
Which Mesechta did you learn last year?
Which Perokim?
How would you best describe your Gemara comprehension?
I find the Gemara difficult to understand even when it’s explained a number of times
I might need to hear my teacher explain it a couple times but then I really get it
I usually understand the Gemara when explained the first time
I understand the Gemara right away and can anticipate and think along with the Gemara
How would you best describe your Gemara reading and translating?
Reading and translating are very difficult for me
Once I review and learn the Gemara over a few times I can kind of read and translate it on my own
Once the Gemara text is taught to me I can read it and translate it on my own
If someone translates the difficult words for me I can read and translate the Gemara on my own
Which of the following are you learning already?
Please list your favorite subjects and briefly explain why?
What is your definition of a Chassidishe Yeshiva Bochur?
What type of activities (hobbies?) do you enjoy?
Do you have a Mashpia?
Write “Yes” “Usually” “Sometimes” or “No” in answer to the questions below: I learn/do:
Rambam 3 chapters a day
Rambam 1 chapter a day
Rambam Sefer Hamitzvos
Saying Bedtime Krias Shema
Putting and washing Negel Vasser by my bed
Washing Netilas Yodayim for Bread
Sleeping with Tzitzit
Do you have a:
Cell Phone
MP3 Player
Smart Phone
Internet Access
Social Media Account
In the lines provided below, please describe why you feel that Ohr Temimim Lubavitch is the Yeshiva where you will succeed.
What kind of support do you anticipate you will need in order to succeed?
Please include your level of commitment to do what is needed to grow in your learning, Yiras Shomayim and Chassidishkeit.
Please specify what you expect to gain from being a talmid in this Mesivta and why you are choosing this mesivta?
Talmid’s Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
After completing the form, please email it to: